Holy Family School reopened for the whole school community in July. It has been lovely to see our children in school.
I want to thank all the staff at Holy Family for keeping school open and for attending on site in these difficult days. This has involved all the school team of: teachers, teaching assistants, admin staff, Site Manager, cleaners, kitchen and welfare staff. When people thank teachers for doing their bit – we should instead thank all those staff connected to schools as we can’t do it without them.
We kept in touch with all our children through our learning portal ‘Seesaw’ and ‘Tapestry’ and appreciate all the lovely comments we received from children and parents.
Please stay safe and remember by following the guidance of social distancing, self-isolating, hand washing and making journeys that are essential we are all doing our part to help the NHS deal with this national emergency.
Please find latest information below from Knowsley Council.
Coronavirus Letter to parents and Carers