Applications for admission to reception classes and transfer to secondary school in September 2025
The online application portals are now available via the Knowsley website for Knowsley resident parents and via the Halton website for Halton residents to apply for entry to reception class and year 7 transfer.
Knowsley residents: https://parentportal.knowsley.gov.uk/web/portal/pages/parents/admissions
Halton residents: https://cyp.halton.gov.uk/Synergy/Live/SynergyWeb/Parents/default.aspx
The national application closing date for secondary transfer applications is 31 October 2024 and for Reception applications is 15 January 2025.
The Local Authority produce a composite prospectus (Information for Parents) which provides detailed information to guide parents/carers through the admissions process. Before applying for your primary (reception class) place or secondary school place for September 2025, please read the relevant Information for Parents Booklet as it contains vital information regarding the application process and explains how the allocation of school places is undertaken.
Catchment Details
Please use the following link to check if Holy Family Catholic Primary School is your nearest Parish school.
Reception Admissions
If applying for a place at Holy Family School, parents/carers must also complete a Supplementary Form. Please see link below. This form needs to be handed into the school and forms part of the admissions process so it is very important this this form, along with the admission form, is completed.
High School Admissions
Nursery Admissions
Guidance for parents/carers on the independent admission appeal hearing process
Link for appeals from Liverpool Archdiocese: http://www.liverpoolcatholic.org.uk/education/Appealing-For-A-School-Place
In Year Admissions
If you are new to the area/looking to move schools mid -year, please contact the school office on 0151 424 3926 or email us on holyfamilycronton.school@knowsley.go.uk If you wish to apply for a place, please complete the In-Year Primary application form and return it to school.
Please click on the link below to see a copy of the school’s admissions policy.
If any parent is unsure of the process or requires any further information, our office staff would be delighted to help.
You can contact the school on 0151 424 3926 or by email at holyfamilycronton@knowsley.gov.uk.
English as an Additional Language
2026/27 Admissions- Under Consultation
If you have any comments or feedback regarding the above 2026/27 Admissions Policy please contact the School Office.