A very warm welcome to Holy Family Catholic Primary and Nursery School.
We are a happy, friendly school where every member of our talented and highly motivated team of staff and governors works hard to enable and encourage all children to enjoy their learning, achieve their absolute best, and become confident, independent learners.
Here at Holy Family, we value the uniqueness of every child and support them in discovering and celebrating their individual gifts and talents. At the heart of all we do is the safety and well-being of the children and our school values of ‘Respect, Responsibility and Resilience’ permeate all aspects of school life.
We actively encourage parents and carers to become involved in their children’s education. Our partnership with you is the key to success. Working as a team, together as a school family, we can ensure that children are both happy and successful and their primary education is a truly joyful and memorable experience for all.
Our rich and varied curriculum provides children with a range of carefully planned learning experiences which seek to nurture talents, develop knowledge and acquire new skills to inspire them to become successful, happy life-long learners. We want all children to leave Holy Family with a deeper understanding of the world around them and to become responsible and caring citizens of the future.
Frequent trips, visits and visitors, residentials and community activities along with a wide range of after-school clubs further add to the opportunities available to children. To get a flavour of some of these experiences, why not have a look at our school Twitter account: @HFCronton
Our website is your first opportunity to find out lots of information about our school but only provides a glimpse of what a wonderful place it is. If you are thinking of choosing Holy Family for your child, we would love you to visit us, to meet the children and staff and experience the school environment and ethos for yourselves. We look forward to welcoming new families to our school community so please contact our school office on 0151 424 3926 or holyfamilycronton@knowsley.gov.uk to make an appointment and we will happily arrange a guided tour.
Helen Rooney – Headteacher