Performance data can be found here:
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Assessments
2023 – 2024 Results
Percentage of Year 1 children who passed their Phonics Assessment:
Y1 Phonics 79% (80%*)
Percentage of Key Stage 2 children (Year 6) who achieved the expected outcomes in 2022 – 2023
Y6 Reading 83% / 74%* (21%/28%* working at greater depth)
Y6 Writing 72% / 72%* (14%/13%* working at greater depth)
Y6 Maths 79% / 73%* (21%/24 %* working at greater depth)
Y6 Combined Reading, Writing and Maths 69% / 61%* (9%/ 8%* working at greater depth)
Y6 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 76% / 72%* (34%/ 32%* working at greater depth)
*National Scores
Average Scaled Score (Key Stage 2)
Reading 105 (105*)
Mathematics 102 (104*)
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 104 (105*)
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Assessments
2022 – 2023 Results
Percentage of Year 1 children who passed their Phonics Assessment:
Y1 Phonics 82%
Percentage of Key Stage 1 children (Year 2) who achieved the expected outcomes in 2022- 2023
Y2 Reading 72% (21% working at greater depth)
Y2 Writing 68% (10% working at greater depth)
Y2 Maths 72% (21% working at greater depth)
Percentage of Key Stage 2 children (Year 6) who achieved the expected outcomes in 2022 – 2023
Y6 Reading 77% / 73%* (13%/29%* working at greater depth)
Y6 Writing 77% / 71%* (10%/13%* working at greater depth)
Y6 Maths 63% / 73%* (13%/24%* working at greater depth)
Y6 Combined Reading, Writing and Maths 53% / 59%* (3%/8%* working at greater depth)
Y6 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 67% / 72%* (23%/30%* working at greater depth)
*National Scores
National Averages
Progress (Key Stage 2)
Average progress in reading -1.1
Average progress in writing 0.1
Average progress in mathematics -2.1%
Average Scaled Score (Key Stage 2)
Mathematics 102 (104 National)
Reading 105 (105 National)
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 104 (105 National)
The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Assessments
2021 – 2022 Results
Percentage of Year 1 children who passed their Phonics Assessment:
Y1 Phonics 72%
Percentage of Key Stage 1 children (Year 2) who achieved the expected outcomes in 2021- 2022
Y2 Reading 71% (18% working at greater depth)
Y2 Writing 68% (0% working at greater depth)
Y2 Maths 72% (18% working at greater depth)
Percentage of Key Stage 2 children (Year 6) who achieved the expected outcomes in 2021 – 2022
Y6 Reading 87% / 75%* (42% working at greater depth)
Y6 Writing 77% / 71%* (6% working at greater depth)
Y6 Maths 81 % / 73%* (42% working at greater depth)
Y6 Combined Reading, Writing and Maths 65% / 60%* (6% working at greater depth)
Y6 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 81 % / 72%* (35% working at greater depth)
*National Scores
National Averages
Progress (Key Stage 2)
Average progress in reading 1.9
Average Progress in writing -1.3
Average progress in mathematics 1.2
Average Scaled Score (Key Stage 2)
Mathematics 104 (105 National)
Reading 105 (105 National)
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 105 (104 National)
There is no data for 2021 or 2020 due to the cancellation of tests during the pandemic
2018-19 Results
Percentage of Year 1 children who passed their Phonics Assessment:
Y1 Phonics 93%
Percentage of Key Stage 1 children (Year 2) who achieved the expected outcomes in 2018- 2019
Y2 Reading 81% (29% working at greater depth)
Y2 Writing 77% (26% working at greater depth)
Y2 Maths 77% (29% working at greater depth)
Percentage of Key Stage 2 children (Year 6) who achieved the expected outcomes in 2018 – 2019
Y6 Reading 87% / 73%* (36% working at greater depth)
Y6 Writing 94% / 78%* (36% working at greater depth)
Y6 Maths 87 % / 79%* (36% working at greater depth)
Y6 Combined Reading, Writing and Maths 84% / 65%* (19% working at greater depth)
Y6 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 90 % / 78%* (45% working at greater depth)
*National Scores
National Averages
Progress (Key Stage 2)
Average progress in reading 0.48
Average Progress in writing 0.3
Average progress in mathematics -0.48
Average Scaled Score (Key Stage 2)
Mathematics 107 (105 National)
Reading 108 (104 National)
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 109 (106 National)
2019 Performance data can be found here:
2017-18 Results
Percentage of Year 1 children who passed their Phonics Assessment:
Y1 Phonics 90%
Percentage of Key Stage 1 children (Year 2) who achieved the expected outcomes in 2017- 2018
Y2 Reading 90% (29% working at greater depth)
Y2 Writing 81% (23% working at greater depth)
Y2 Maths 87% (26% working at greater depth)
Percentage of Key Stage 2 children (Year 6) who achieved the expected outcomes in 2017 – 2018
Y6 Reading 76% / 75%* (27% working at greater depth)
Y6 Writing 83% / 78%* (33% working at greater depth)
Y6 Maths 87 % / 76%* (20% working at greater depth)
Y6 Combined Reading, Writing and Maths 77% / 64%* (13% working at greater depth)
Y6 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 83 % / 78%* (33% working at greater depth)
*National Scores