Mrs D Speight
Miss R Grimes
Miss S Brookes
Mrs Webster
Welcome to the Year 2 page, on this page you will find information about the Year 2 curriculum, across both Core and Foundation subjects, which your child will follow this year. This includes a curriculum overview, knowledge organisers and our Year 2 Reading spine, which is designed to support key themes with links made across a range of curriculum areas.
In Year 2, we believe that the children learn best when they feel happy, secure and safe in their learning environment. The Year 2 teaching team work hard to help your child to feel cared for and safe in our classroom. Children are encouraged to embed our school mission Following in Jesus’ footsteps we pray, play and learn together showing Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.
We ensure children enjoy their learning by providing many fun and memorable learning experiences throughout the year. We appreciate that no two children are the same and for this reason we use a variety of teaching and learning methods when learning and making memories together.
Physical Education
Year 2 P.E. lessons will take place every Monday and Tuesday. Children should come to school in their kit with appropriate footwear.
What will your child need to bring with them?
- A reusable water bottle. Children have the responsibility to take their bottles home each night for cleaning.
- A healthy snack for morning break
- Packed lunch (if required)
- Shared Reading Books. These will be sent home on a Monday and should be returned on Friday ready to be changed and redistributed the following week. Children should be reading child every night for 20 minutes. When you read with your child you should document this in your child’s reading diary and return this on a Friday with the reading books.
- Packed lunch (if necessary
Homework is compiled using our online programs. It is set every Monday and will be due the Friday of the same week (this excludes the children’s spellings). Homework in Year 2 will consist of:
- Reading (20 minutes per night) recorded in the reading diary.
- SPaG Online – Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (1 activity per week)
- NUMBOTS – Games that support fluency and number recall.
- Spelling Shed – Spelling practise (15 words to be practised across 2 weeks)
- Maths Shed – Number activity based on Maths taught in class (1 activity set per week)