Mrs D Featherstone
We are sure that like us, you as parents and carers realise the importance of attendance and punctuality. We will be working hard this year to try to raise attendance levels and to reduce instances of lateness. All children are expected to have an attendance rate of 97% or above, unless illness/medical conditions or exceptional circumstances prevent this.
Attendance facts:
- All schools must report their termly attendance percentages to the Local Authority.
- If your child is not in school s/he does not reach his/her learning potential.
- Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure that their child receives a full time education.
- The local authority has the power to prosecute parents in the magistrate’s court for the offence of failing to ensure their child attends school regularly.
- If your child arrives after 9.15am we are required to mark them as having unauthorised absence for the whole morning – arriving after 9.15am once a week brings their attendance down to 90% for that week.
- Medical appointments should be made out of school hours if at all possible. If your child has to see a doctor or dentist in school time they should attend school for as much of the day as possible. It is not permitted to take a whole day off school for a medical appointment unless the appointment lasts all day.
- With sickness and diarrhoea, your child must be kept at home for 48 hoursafter their last bout. (See further detail on the website)
- In line with Authority policy, we do not authorise any holidaysduring term time. If you choose to take your child out of school for any reason, an ‘Application for leave of absence in term time’ form on ParentApp must be completed at least 2 weeks in advance to inform us of any plans.
- Only in exceptional circumstances will permission for leave be granted.
Click here for more information about our attendance strategy.